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Handling Events ​

BlockSuite constructs a block tree using Workspace, Page, and Block, which can be used for framework agnostic state management. Once the block tree nodes are bound to a framework, the block content can be rendered. It is also necessary to subscribe to corresponding events when blocks are updated, in order to refresh the UI framework on demand.


Note that applications based on BlockSuite may not require virtual DOM, since the block tree can precisely trigger events when a single block is updated. Refer to Unidirectional Data Flow for the underlying principles behind this design.

Using Slots ​

BlockSuite extensively uses Slot to manage events. You can think of it as a type-safe event emitter or a simplified RxJS Observable:

import { Slot } from '@blocksuite/store';

// Create a new slot
const slot = new Slot<{ name: string }>();

// Subscribe events
slot.on(({ name }) => console.log(name));

// Or alternatively only listen event once
slot.once(({ name }) => console.log(name));

// Emit the event
slot.emit({ name: 'foo' });
import { Slot } from '@blocksuite/store';

// Create a new slot
const slot = new Slot<{ name: string }>();

// Subscribe events
slot.on(({ name }) => console.log(name));

// Or alternatively only listen event once
slot.once(({ name }) => console.log(name));

// Emit the event
slot.emit({ name: 'foo' });

To unsubscribe from the slot, simply use the return value of slot.on():

const slot = new Slot();
const disposable = slot.on(myHandler);

// Dispose the subscription
const slot = new Slot();
const disposable = slot.on(myHandler);

// Dispose the subscription

Subscribing Block Events ​

Under the page instance, you can subscribe to common events using page.slots:

page.slots.rootAdded.on(() => {
  // The `page.root` is not null at this point
  // You can bind it to a component tree now

page.addBlock('affine:page'); // rootAdded!
page.slots.rootAdded.on(() => {
  // The `page.root` is not null at this point
  // You can bind it to a component tree now

page.addBlock('affine:page'); // rootAdded!

Moreover, for any node in the block tree, events can be triggered when the node is updated:

const model = page.root[0];

// Triggered when the `props` of the block model is updated
model.propsUpdated.on(() => updateMyComponent());
// Triggered when the `children` of the block model is updated
model.childrenUpdated.on(() => updateMyComponent());
const model = page.root[0];

// Triggered when the `props` of the block model is updated
model.propsUpdated.on(() => updateMyComponent());
// Triggered when the `children` of the block model is updated
model.childrenUpdated.on(() => updateMyComponent());

In the prebuilt AFFiNE editor, which is based on the Lit framework, the UI component of each block subscribes to its model updates using this pattern.

So far, the information we've covered should be sufficient for you to use @blocksuite/store to construct basic collaborative application state. For rich-text content editing involving more intricate operations, we will continue to cover it in subsequent sections of the document.